IPCC AR6 Report March 23
The latest report is a synthesis of last six IPCC reports and states that the action we are taking is insufficient to prevent climate change. We are running out of time to secure a sustainable future for everyone.
They urge more urgent action to reduce GHG emissions by nearly half by 2030.
Key headlines:
Climate change is already causing widespread damage, globally affecting both people and nature.
Without significant action global warming is likely to reach 1.5℃ by 2030-2035
But on current policies we are on track for 3.2℃ by 2100.
The pathway needs:
3-6 times increase in climate financing.
Be fair to those who have not caused it in developing countries.
Substantial reduction in overall fossil fuel use – public and private finance for fossil fuels still far exceeds funding for climate adaptation and mitigation.
To achieve net-zero CO2 emissions, we need energy conservation and efficiency, minimal use of unabated fossil fuels, carbon capture and storage, and greater integration across the energy system.
This means everyone should be working out what actions they can take:
From a personal perspective:
Swap a gas or oil boiler for heat pump using the BUS funding if eligible, worth £5,000.
Invest in PV- you can have 4kWp if your roof is suitable, generating around 4000 kWh/year of electricity. You can use most of it if you have a battery or a car plugged in.
Plan retrofit improvements starting with loft insulation.
Opt for a more plant based diet to reduce agricultural emissions. Buy organic if you can.
Aim for walking, cycling and public transport. Swap to an electric car if your miles justify it or when you upgrade. Share lifts.
Change your lights to LED’s.
Buy sustainable products in your shopping habits.
Reduce your flying.
Reduce your consumption!
From a business perspective:
Develop action and investment plans to deliver your energy savings and renewables strategies.
Measure and reduce your direct emissions and analyse your Scope 3 - work with your suppliers.
If you haven’t started - start now. We can help you.