How to prepare for an ESOS and energy audit
Your ESOS assessment needs to use verifiable data.
Ideally half hourly files for electricity and mains gas for the 12 month period, plus stock records, readings and invoices for other fuels.
The audit needs at least one year’s data between 6 December 2018 to 5 December 2023, but must include the qualification date of 31 December 2022. It is best to align the audit with your financial year.
Decide on your analysis year and have comparison data for another year. This must include the Qualification date and finish before the compliance date.
Transport data (miles or fuel use paid for by you) for direct activities
Significant Energy Consumption can be reported at 90% of your TEC but this ‘de minimis’ is due to reduce to 5% in Phase 3.
Energy intensity ratio to be included in Phase 3
Sampling rules of your assets for multiple sites are due to be made clearer under Phase 3.
Delivering energy efficiency savings is an essential output of any audit. We offer a comprehensive appraisal of all the suitable options for your business.